Electric Vehicle Data Analysis

Aug 29, 2023

, Project Title: Electric Vehicle Data Analysis

Tools: Amazon RDS, MySQL, MySQL Workbench, Excel, Power BI

GitHub repository link: The repository link for the code and files - Link


  • Created an RDS database using Amazon Web Server for the electric vehicle data.

  • Connected to the online database using MySQL Workbench.

  • Performed Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on electric vehicle data, including overview, missing values, distinct values, general statistics, and focused EDA on Tesla models.

  • Built an interactive dashboard on Power BI to view the complete dataset.

Key Results:

  • Top EV manufacturer - Mercedes, Porsche, Peugeot, Audio and Opel.

  • Top EV car segments - SUV, Sedan, SPV, Hatchback and Station.

  • Across all manufacturers Lucid Air Dream Edition R has longest range of 685 miles.

  • The least expensive EV across UK, Germany and Netherlands -Dacia Spring Electric 45.

  • The most affordable Tesla across all markets - Tesla Model 3

  • Across the Tesla models, Tesla Model S Dual Motor has the highest range of 575 miles.


  • Utilized PowerBI to create a dashboard for EV dataset with chat with data provision. - Link


  • The EDA provided insights into EV market manufacturers, market segments, EV range, pricing and insights on Tesla Models.

  • This analysis can inform decision-making process for customers looking to purchase their first EV or upgrade an existing one.

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