Electric Vehicle Data Analysis
Aug 29, 2023
, Project Title: Electric Vehicle Data Analysis
Tools: Amazon RDS, MySQL, MySQL Workbench, Excel, Power BI
GitHub repository link: The repository link for the code and files - Link
Created an RDS database using Amazon Web Server for the electric vehicle data.
Connected to the online database using MySQL Workbench.
Performed Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on electric vehicle data, including overview, missing values, distinct values, general statistics, and focused EDA on Tesla models.
Built an interactive dashboard on Power BI to view the complete dataset.
Key Results:
Top EV manufacturer - Mercedes, Porsche, Peugeot, Audio and Opel.
Top EV car segments - SUV, Sedan, SPV, Hatchback and Station.
Across all manufacturers Lucid Air Dream Edition R has longest range of 685 miles.
The least expensive EV across UK, Germany and Netherlands -Dacia Spring Electric 45.
The most affordable Tesla across all markets - Tesla Model 3
Across the Tesla models, Tesla Model S Dual Motor has the highest range of 575 miles.
Utilized PowerBI to create a dashboard for EV dataset with chat with data provision. - Link
The EDA provided insights into EV market manufacturers, market segments, EV range, pricing and insights on Tesla Models.
This analysis can inform decision-making process for customers looking to purchase their first EV or upgrade an existing one.