Predicting Customer Booking Behaviour
Aug 28, 2023
Project Title: Predicting Customer Booking Behaviour
Tools and Libraries used: Python, jupyter notebook, pandas, ydata_profiling,matplotlib,seaborn,scikit-learn,imblearn,XGBoost
GitHub Repository: The full analysis code can be found here- Link
Loaded customer booking dataset using pandas.
Generated data profiling report with ydata_profiling - Link.
Selected relevant features and split data into train and test sets.
Trained Logistic Regression model for feature importance.
Evaluated XGBoost classifier model for accuracy.
Visualized feature importances using bar plot.
Identified top 5 important features.
The XGBoost model attains an accuracy of 0.8512, which is 85%.
Features positively correlated with booking completion - Extra baggage, preferred seat, in-flight meals and flight hour.
Features negatively correlated with booking purchase - Purchase lead, length of stay and flight duration.
Visualization: Plot of Feature importance's

Passenger preferences for baggage, seating, in-flight meals, flight timing, and purchase lead time significantly impact booking decisions.