Predicting Customer Booking Behaviour

Aug 28, 2023

Project Title: Predicting Customer Booking Behaviour

Tools and Libraries used: Python, jupyter notebook, pandas, ydata_profiling,matplotlib,seaborn,scikit-learn,imblearn,XGBoost

GitHub Repository: The full analysis code can be found here- Link


  • Loaded customer booking dataset using pandas.

  • Generated data profiling report with ydata_profiling - Link.

  • Selected relevant features and split data into train and test sets.

  • Trained Logistic Regression model for feature importance.

  • Evaluated XGBoost classifier model for accuracy.

  • Visualized feature importances using bar plot.

  • Identified top 5 important features.


  • The XGBoost model attains an accuracy of 0.8512, which is 85%.

  • Features positively correlated with booking completion - Extra baggage, preferred seat, in-flight meals and flight hour.

  • Features negatively correlated with booking purchase - Purchase lead, length of stay and flight duration.

Visualization: Plot of Feature importance's


  • Passenger preferences for baggage, seating, in-flight meals, flight timing, and purchase lead time significantly impact booking decisions.

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